Monday, 26 September 2016

I Am A Leader Because…

I Am A Leader Because…
The reason I consider myself a leader is because:

  1. I’m confident in the most of the decisions that I make and I’m strong supporter in my beliefs. Though people will come to question me and my decisions they will rarely find me ever doubting my beliefs. I’m confident and will voice my opinion even if I’m in the minority or it's not a popular opinion.
  2. Another reason why I’m a leader is because I look out for my peers. On the rare occasion that I’m place in charge I would try my best to not leave anyone behind and try to include everyone.
  3. Last but not least the final reason as to why I would make a good leader is because I have the courage to take risks. When faced with the unknown I would often analyze the situation and often will take unkown steps if it benefits the group.


  1. Nice Job! I like how you made the text a list, I think that was unique compared to everyone else's. Your examples and justifications are great. You definitely seem like a leader.

  2. I liked how you made a list and your voice is very strong in your writing.

  3. I liked how you made a list and your voice is very strong in your writing.

  4. This is a great composition. You chose effective points as to why you're a leader. They're skills that aren't common enough, especially the first one. People evolved to want to be part of a group and to change their opinions or not speak their minds to do so. This can cause a lack of new ideas being brought into a group. In the future, try to include specific examples to support your point. It will make your message more believable.

  5. I like the design of your website and you are super confident speaker :]

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